No one can ignore the changes that are happening in our society these last few months. As a church body, both nationally and locally, we are constantly evaluating and re-evaluating how we join with our neighbors in such a wonderfully diverse nation and community.
In my role as pastor at Shepherd of the Mountains Lutheran Church, I have observed that we continually ask who we are and where are we being lead. The Good News is the Holy Spirit is pushing us forward. We continue to focus on whom God is calling us to be as well as how the Holy Spirit is enabling us to take positive steps forward on our faith journeys…steps that include our family, friends, and neighbors…steps that keep us in faithful service with and in Christ.
At the same time, we continue to grow deeper in faith and our understanding of what it means at times to participate in challenging conversations…steps that even can, at times, make us uncomfortable.
This Fall we will continue, as we have always done, to evaluate our outreach into the surrounding communities. We will ask ourselves if we are being effective and if our actions are sustainable. We will continue to prayerfully evaluate our stewardship practices, our worship experience, and our education opportunities.
Yes, we are “in the mountains for good.” And we will strive to more clearly articulate what it means for this congregation to participate in Christ’s mission as we continue our tradition of generosity.
We will continue to strive to be more inclusive. We will continue to welcome all people…all people no matter what. And we will pray that others will welcome us.
This Fall and throughout the coming year we will not simply cling to who we are but, instead, open ourselves up to new possibilities as our God continues to re-create us so that we may share God’s love more and more completely.
Christ’s Peace, Pastor Steve