Welcome to our Congregation
We are glad to welcome you to worship as we seek to follow Christ and serve God’s world. Like Philip said to Nathaniel, “come and see” what God is doing here.
Shepherd of the Mountains is part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, “a church so deeply and confidently rooted in the Gospel of God’s grace that we are free to give our lives joyfully in witness and service.” Worship is our center. We acknowledge God as the creator of all. In the person of Jesus Christ God’s love was most fully revealed, in works of kindness and mercy and finally in sacrificial love for the sake of others. The mystery of God’s unconditional love continues through the working of God’s spirit.
In worship we joyfully receive the signs of God’s grace: baptism and holy communion. In worship and through Christian education we are prepared to be servants of God’s kingdom as we go about our normal lives. We are the only Lutheran congregation in Utah east of Salt Lake City. People come from all of Summit and Wasatch counties to worship here.
Our Common Life
We gather to celebrate Holy Communion each week at both services. Our worship is relaxed but dignified. Children are always welcome. We share our offering for the sake of the world through the ELCA and we also support local benevolent works. We welcome all to join us in the life of discipleship. We seek to see each person as if he or she were Christ in our midst. We offer many ways to be involved. But chiefly we encourage all to give thanks to God for the grace we have received in Christ.
Shepherd of the Mountains Mission Statement
With open doors, hearts, and minds, we invite all to experience the joy of God’s love through worship, community, and service.

Reconciling in Christ
As all people are created in the image of God, we embrace diversity in our congregation and community, and we affirm the dignity and worth of every person.
We honor the guiding principle that discrimination is incompatible with Christ’s unconditional love and we are committed to racial equity.
We boldly embrace, love, celebrate and welcome persons of all faith backgrounds, races, ethnicities, cultures, ages, abilities, sexual orientations, gender identities and gender expressions. Everyone has a place here.
All are Welcome!