It seems appropriate that during the season of Advent, The Wall will come down. Advent is a…
We will present the program “A Star is Born” at the 4pm service on Christmas Eve. All…
This week, the work began to repair the water line issue from the kitchen. What that means…
Full steam ahead! The foundation on the Fellowship Hall side has been poured, steel beams are in…
Every Wednesday the Building Task Force (BTF) meets with the architect and contractor to discuss the progress…
Building progress going well! Foundations have been poured, framing is going up, and the Annex is removed.…
The wheels are in motion! The loan has closed, contracts have been signed and permits have been…
The Building Task Force is excited to announce that on May 5th, the Resolution was passed, approving…
As proposed to the Congregation on May 5, 2013 WHEREAS, the congregation of Shepherd of the Mountains…
Moving Right Along!!! The Building Task Force is excited by the results of our two-year fundraising drive!…
While our communication has been lacking, the building process is moving forward. We are currently in a…
As the Building Task Force continues to develop the plans with the architects and obtain better cost…
The Building Task Force continues to move forward in three main areas: 1) fundraising, 2) architectural plans,…